BEE-utiful | Teen Ink


October 9, 2019
By 0neary SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
0neary SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Buzzing around the sky, 

the honey bee tries to avoid its predators.

Searching for the perfect flower—

so her busy job will be accomplished. 

Spotting the superb sunflower,

the bee darts towards the middle.  

Landing on all six legs—  

the bee prepares her rear pair. 

She slurps on the nectar,

enjoying every drop as it goes into her honey pouch.

The pouch weighs her down as she finishes— 

now she knows to go back to the hive. 

Knowing her hard work near completion,

she soars through the sky. 

When arriving at the hive—

she gets ready to compose her honey.

The bee emits her honey in her cell,

while her enzymes break down the sugar. 

Her coline evaporates the water—

since it takes 30,000 bees to perform the job. 

She closes her cell now that it’s complete,

happy with the honey assembled. 

She heads out buzzing again—

just to repeat the same process.

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