Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles | Teen Ink

Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles

June 12, 2012
By Lizeth Garcia BRONZE, Astoria, New York
Lizeth Garcia BRONZE, Astoria, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Overall this book was alright not the best like perfect chemistry. Rules of Attraction is the second book of Simone Elkeles trilogy about the Fuentes brothers. When I read perfect chemistry in March I was shocked on how much I loved the book. I am not really much of a reader but after reading perfect chemistry I wanted to keep reading more book about Simone Elkeles and decided to read the second book. My expectation for this book was high since perfect chemistry was awesome in details and in imagery.

In Rules of Attraction the main Character Carlos comes back from Mexico to Colorado where Alex is attending college and working. In Colorado Carlos meets Kiara who is friends with Alex. Unlike Carlos Kiara is a sweet smart girl who is not looking for trouble like Carlos. Both Carlos and Kiara slowly start feeling something for each other that they can’t deny. “What if I break the rules” which defines that he is a Mexican bad ass who feels that school is not for him. Carlos always says he never lives by the rules, but when he comes to live in Colorado his life changes drastically and brakes many of his rules he thought he would never brake.
Both Perfect Chemistry and Rules of Attraction had a similar structure in the way that the chapters where set up the same way with the main characters like Alex and Brittany, Carlos and Kiara. In both of these books every chapter went by there points of view and how the characters felt and what they were going through and of course love. Because both Alex and Carlos came from a lower class they both didn’t really care about school nor their future life, however on the other hand Brittany and Kiara came from and upper class family and cared about their grades and their school work and future life in being successful. Overall I recommend both these book because both a fast pace and a page tuner.


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