The Outsiders by S.E Hinton | Teen Ink

The Outsiders by S.E Hinton

November 5, 2017
By GCait61 GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
GCait61 GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stay gold, Ponyboy

S.E Hinton's wonderful novel, The Outsiders, tells a touching story of youth, bravery, and undying friendship. It tells of a seemingly helpless, weak, boy sacrificing himself for the lives of others, and taking a stand for the first time in his life. It tells of underdogs becoming heroes. This book positively yanks on your heartstrings and is guaranteed to make you laugh, cry, and really think about labels and appearances. Told through the eyes of fourteen year old Ponyboy Curtis, the book taught me that it doesn't matter how strong you may look on the outside- sometimes the strongest people look the weakest. The character Johnny Cade touched me especially deeply- I saw him as the strongest character in the book. Johnny was raised by hate; his parents beat him and abused him both physically and verbally; but, despite this, he resisted acting the same and even gave his life for complete strangers. He is a definition of strength that I think today's world needs to know. It doesn't matter how you've grown up or what you look like; you can be strong. You can be brave. You can be kind. Strength is defying the odds of your circumstances and rising to be the best you can.

I loved the way Hinton wrote the friendships between the gang! Another major point of the novel was that your class doesn't define you. This book gives a new dimension and positive image of the poorer class- we're all people and at the end of the day, we all see the same sunset. I would recommend this brilliant novel to anyone; there's so much to learn from it and it's written so wonderfully. The narrator is relatable, believable, and lovable, and the characters are vivid and alive. I firmly believe that, though the book takes place in the 1960s, it is truly timeless and will always "stay gold!" I promise you that once you start, you won't be able to put it down!

The author's comments:

This book really touched me- it holds such an important message and I hope this review encourages others to read it!


This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 16 2017 at 9:02 pm
Regina_A21 BRONZE, North Vancouver, Columbia
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
After reading this review, I really want to read it now! Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for this book.