“The crowd roars: The Men with the guitars” | Teen Ink

“The crowd roars: The Men with the guitars”

May 22, 2023
By ohimnotsurewhatmyusershouldbe BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
ohimnotsurewhatmyusershouldbe BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Their fingers dance upon the strings.

The crowd is raging, screaming, shouting


The music brings intense pleasure

Stroke after stroke

String after string.

They scream and shout with booming force.

Their riffs like thunder fill the air

Watching these men perform,

I can feel the heat

Coming from their sweaty, tattooed bodies.

The audience screams, gasping for air

As the band rocks on.

The crowd is roaring in a wild rage.

Everyone is in perfect sync.

Their sweat and passion intertwine 

In a hysteria of electric heat.

The energy is un-matchable

Every lyric resonates as if it were my own, filling me with emotion

The men with the guitars on stage

Play string after string

Stroke after stroke.

The crowd is theirs, in their control.

A communion, a shared emotion.

Together we scream

Swaying our bodies to the beat

Sending shivers throughout my form.

Fatigue begins to consume my body.

As the music echoes all around, I take in every detail of the men in front of me.

Nothing else matters but the screams of the people around me
Nothing else matters but the music.


The man that sings with pure devotion

Sends his hand-horns into the muggy air

The crowd continues to roar.

They rock and roll until the night’s end.

The author's comments:

Rock N Roll

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